About Me

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
Major Milk Tea Addict

Saturday, October 22, 2011

High Tea ♪

Sorry for not blogging for the last few days, I've been busy with school work and Various other things. An new crepe store just opened near me called Mother Crepe, their stuff are really nice =w=b over 20/30 different flavours of crepe. 

Anyway, Last Saturday I went to eat High Tea at Swissotel, An four-star hotel through a discount voucher sale that was online for $55 per two people. 
Here's some pictures that I took:
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

K.Pop Frenzy ☆

Ossu! >W< 
How's everyone today? 
I'm doing fine during this holidays so far, though it is a bit boring sometimes because all my friends are busy during the holiday (So much homework for them...;)
Anyway, Yes I am in a K-pop frenzy; over one particular old song:

Mr.Simple - Super Junior 

I like Heechul (The guy with blonde hair in the video) <- Correct me if I'm wrong; ☆

Bye for now, sorry for the short post, I promise i'll post more often ^^

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

YOSH! ( ^ _ ^)∠☆

How are you people today? 
I'm feeling extremely relieved and relaxed because....-drum roll-  SCHOOL IS OUT!
[....for now....] 
I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging much, because of my photography assignments [ we get one assignment every single week] and some other school crap and stuff. (ヾ(´・ω・`)

Anyway since school is over, I promised you guys that I would make some Fanfiction/Original stories, and yup, they'll eventually come up! [Hopefully..] 

Though, It might not come that fast because one of my friends is making me play a game called Dragon Nest [DN] it's pretty awesome-looking MMORPG [Massive Multi Online Role-Playing Game], check it out! 

Over the few days I've been obsessed with a Old-time Favourite anime of mine, Darker than Black! >W< Hei is just too awesome. Huh? You never heard of DTB Before? Try watching it! I know some websites have DTB as Rated M+ but seriously from my point of view it's not a scary anime at all, and no adult scenes. [Yes,there is blood involved but this IS a crime and supernatural-type of anime so there are bound to be some.] 
So anyway, Go watch it now! >W< - Just a slight note, I think you should be cautious on watching Season two because in Season two, let's just say alot of things changed with Hei [Main character] and the plot got slightly...off. You'll know if you watch season two after the first. 


Saturday, September 3, 2011


Shin O-tanjoubi o-me-de-tou~ 
I Hope he receives tons of gifts and presents from Reno, Ryouga, IV, Ko-ki and his fans ~
Unfortunately I don't live in Japan so I can't send him anything... :l
Well, Shin is turning 24 this year, still young as ever :3
Goodluck to him and I hope he has a nice day~ 

Friday, August 26, 2011

( ´∀`)

Hey! It's Kayo, it's been a long time since my post right?
Sorry about that, It's because of my school homework and assignments. 
One assignment down and about...8 to go! オ(・ェ・)ヤ(・ェ-)ス(-ェ・)ミ(-ェ-)。o○Zzz…

So, to you people out there who watch/read Katekyo Hitman Reborn, how was 
your thought on the new Arcobaleno Arc? I thought it was pretty interesting, 
is Mammon a female or a male? That's my question. 

Anyway, My throat a few minutes ago burned and felt chalky and dry, the trick to resolve this
is to gargle hot salt water in your mouth - DON'T SWALLOW IT! YOU'LL CHOKE. 

Well, It should work! Good luck if you try it! Kayo's advices are clean, don't worry!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

(ヾ(´・ω・`) Awesome song

Yume No Michishirube by ViViD is a awesome song, I don't know why Shin said in a interview that Love songs he writes gets low viewers and complaints :l 
Ryouga said that the song represented every member of ViViD's feelings :3 
I find that sweet. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Okay Well........(^o^)/

I haven't been posting properly for the last few days because of school, and now Im back! 

I'm suffocating in finishing my friend's birthday present in time ._.
So anyway, today my class at school had Yoga for two periods,
 it was pretty good actually.

We did a exercise where we lie down in a 'dead' sleeping position and close your eyes and you
imagine a black curtain, you chuck all your bad feelings into that curtain and when your done
imagine yourself walking into the curtain. 

And then suddenly the curtain gets brighter and brighter and you end up in a field of flowers, imagine all the flowers, different colours of them.
You decide to take one back with you, and you pick a flower of your choice.                       Imagine yourself walking off back into the curtain, as it gets darker and darker and slowly open your eyes and sit up and remember what colour your flower was.

The colour of the flower you pick relates on what type of person you are or what your feeling
right now. 

Blue - Your a soothing and considerate person, your a peacemaker and resolves problems and
always tries to help others

Purple - You are loyal to people, and respected by not your looks but how you are, by your personality and looked up to for it.

Red - You are very passionate about life and how things should work, and are very loved 
by the person surrounding you.

White - You have a pure heart and is very comforting to others when their in hard times,
You respect everyone close to you and will do anything to help them.

Yellow - You have a happy and bright personality like the sun, your love-able and always cheerful even at the most hardest times your relaxed and laid-back.

Green - You are a soothing and quiet person, your close to the nature and a calm and peaceful person to talk to. 

Black - Your life is going at a steady pace, something in your life is changing slowly and 
you're up for a new beginning as your life continues on.

Rainbow/Bit of everything - You have many different personalities, 
pick the colours in your imagination and blend it with the colours to see 
what personalities you have. 

How was it? What was your personality? :3

X - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - X

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Planning (・ェ・)

Good news guys! I'm currently making/planning to make the summary and plot line
of the story 'Vivid Colours.' 

I thought of the setting.
and the characters, personality, names and everything.
I need to think of the plot....a bit more. 


Good Evening! ( ゚▽゚)/コンバンハ

Today my Friends came over to my house to do the Health [PD] Group assignment 
with me, but it failed. 

Yup. We totally ditched work, and one of my friends couldn't even be bothered to do it 
and went home.... (._.)

One of my friends who stayed at my house, was keen on buying Chatime milk tea with me
:l So i did.  

Chatime is Taiwanese By the way, And their milk tea is really good :3 

Just in case you can't see the drink names properly. 
It says, Mango green tea + rainbow jelly, Green jelly roasted milk tea, Pearl milk tea, Passion fruit QQ, Honey Lemon Aloe.

One regular is only $5.90 AUD
If they ask if you want Standard sugar and ice, say yes.
Don't ask for more ice and sugar, trust me.
You might even want to tell them to get you less ice, so that your drink wouldn't be so watery.

The Chatime I went to, the service was okay, only two people making the drinks though. They give you a receipt with a number on it. 

Random fact: You get a free drink on your birthday.

[Their Roasted milk tea Is really nice] 

Oh and my latest obsession with songs?
OK by B1A4~ 

Enjoy the MV/PV 



( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Chapter of KHR \(^ ^)/


This was the chapter of KHR I, and a few other fans were waiting for!
The chapter that Fran [Varia's future illusionist] comes out in the present. 

The chapter coming out next week is all about Fran, I can't wait.

Question 1: Shouldn't Bel should kidnap Fran while everyone's distracted?
Question 2: Why is Fran wearing a apple on his head as a hat?
[who the hell came up with that idea?]

See you in my next post! 


Asians + Blonde = Awesome Actually ( ・∀・)[===ビーム!!

Did you ever think Asians looked ridiculous with blonde hair? 
Well Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ you :l 

Because some Asians look awesome and epic with blonde hair, 
The person who pulls off blonde hair the most, has to be, Lee Hong ki. 

His role in the drama, You're beautiful was awesome. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy (^-^*)/コンチャ!

Feeling in a happy - normal mood, I found a new song,

Bing bing bing - F.T.Island is such a happy song. 
[Lee Hong ki <3] 

Randomness: I love drinking milk tea with pearls ~ 

See you guys later in my next post!

(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Excited. (*≧▽≦) オハツでっす♪

O(≧∇≦)O It's nice to meet you guys, Whoever out there is taking time to read my blog.
This is my first blog, And I have a feeling blogging to going to become a addiction ~
First of my all, I'd like to say my name isn't Kayo. Nor do i get K.O-ed much eh-heh...or maybe I do  

I've just ended my school holidays one week ago, and this is the second week of school now~
Learning Japanese sure is hard; Gotta blame my anime/manga instinct for making me learn it =W=;

My latest obsessions these days is definitely the drama 'You're Beautiful.' 
[I doubt anyone can hate a drama with someone like Jeremy in it]

 And my favourite song is I Hope by F.T. Island.

See you guys later! ~ 
